Monday, 5 May 2014

Google map rendering problem

To self: Next time google map tiles don't display properly in a Plone site page (or anywhere actually) - check to see if you have set the width and height for the map container.


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Setting up a VNC Server on a CentOS 6.5 NeCTAR instance

How to get a GUI interface to a virtual machine. These instructions are written for the NeCTAR Centos 6.5 image.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Script for publishing ingest status

There are two scripts:
  • - output is in TiB
  • - output is in TB
Both scripts use df -P --total to get data from the system. uses the -h flag to get output in TiB and uses -H to get the TB iso output.

Reminder for next time I need to find the right cron file:

The cron job to run the ingest status scripts was set up on login2 (shows up as n030 when logged).